IQ is the arithmetical outcome derived from one of the various standardization tests. Its first trace in the history can be found in China and latter in France. WWI paved the way for a method of checking the intelligence Level of the new recruits in the army.
In modern IQ tests 100 is taken as median with a standard Deviation of 15. Majority of the World Population IQ rate in increasing by 3 point per decade since twentieth century. The latest IQ tests reveal that we are smarter than our ancestors were.
If you are 100 you are ok if you are 140 you are just near to be a genius and if over 170 probably the next Einstein. The better is the IQ of your parents the more are the chances of you being a Genius. Only 2 to 4 % people score 130 or more in IQ tests. 50% people score less than 100 in IQ tests.
IQ tests are not the Acid Test to predict a person overall growth and his future achievements, even people with low IQs can do wonder when and where they want.
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