The word Marathon race has been heard and read many a times by us in various electronic and print media. Some people might have participated in it too. These are long distance running events in which usually a distance of 42.195 KMs is run by the participants. Marathon races were organized at first to pay tribute to an ancient Greek Hero Pheidippides.
Pheidippides born 530 BC, was a Greek Soldier taking part in the battle of marathon, fought between the Greeks and Persians in 490 BC. Phedippides was first asked to go to Sparta for an aid request, some 240 KM away from the battle field, and the soldier covered the distance in mere two days. He came back and fought against the Persians. After winning the battle the commanders again ordered him to go to Athens and tell the news to the local populace as well as the senate. Pheidippides again ran towards the Athens and when he reached the city, he shouted the words "WE HAVE WON".
Immediately in front of crowd he collapsed and never stood again. He died on the spot, the Greeks gave him the status of a Hero. Several statues were made and in his memorial they started organizing a long distance running even, which even now exists in the form of Marathon Races all over the world.
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