It is neither a story of some village girls nor a movie having Angelina Jolie, Jolia Roberts and Pamela Anderson. Its a famous rock formation in the Blue Mountains of New South Wales, Australia. These three rocks are named as Meehni, Wimlah and Gunnedoo. These rocks are formed by wind, rain and rivers which slowly broken up them and according to Geologists they will be eroded away completely.
What is the story behind these three rocks? Let us have a look. The three Sisters are Aboriginal Legends who used to live in Jamison Valley. They fell in Love with three brothers of some other tribe but due to their tribal laws they were not allowed to marry them. The three brothers were not happy with this rule that caused a huge battle between the both tribes and the sisters were turned into rocks for protection by an elder, but unfortunately the elder died in battle and no one else was able to convert them back.
Three Sisters are one of those places, which must be visited once in Life. They are one ofthe non-decleared World Wonders.
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